Leathercraft Leather Pattern Hide How To Tool Stamp Punch Belt Skive Knife Rivet


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Leatherwork is a worthwhile profession…..whether you make items to sell or give as gifts, your quality handiwork will be cherished for years and years by others.
Printed softcover book

There are many different ways to work with leather and to decorate its surfaces. This book will instruct you in many of the old methods and also instruct you to some new ones.

The “How to Do” instruction has proved to be sound. A beginner should follow the “Step-by-Step” procedures for best results. It is Illustrated with dozens of quality line drawings!

*How to design a project

*Learn to make templates

*How to lay out patterns

*See how to store, sharpen, and condition tools

*How to cut leather in step by step instructions

*Preparing leather for tooling

In this book a person can easily follow the instructions to produce many valuable products that one could sell and be proud of!

*How to do flat tooling

*How to do embossing

*Blind Tooling

*How to stipple backgrounds and use the embossing wheel and carriage

*Doing set Stamping and Carving

*How to Form and Fold leather

*Lacing and Sewing~Hand Stitching~Running Stitch~Cobblers Stitch~Cutting Lacing~Cross-Stitch~Buttonhole Stitch~

*How to Sew Leather with a Machine

*How to make your own stamps and punches

*Setting eyelets and grommets

*Set rivets and spots~Set Snap fasteners

*Handles and Tassels

Its many projects include and are not limited to:

Book or Bible cases~Billfolds~Purses~Belts~Book Ends~Tobacco Pouch~Picture Frame~Covered Boxes and more

The costs of tools and supplies involved in leathercraft is small compared to the value of the product which can be produced. Very few tools are required to be purchased to start in leatherworking. This book will give you a list of the minimum needed tools as well as recommended different tools.

Once you learn the methods and tooling to basic leathercraft, you are not limited to the projects you can create! You could conceivably turn the leathercraft hobby into a full time profession just using any of the projects in this book.

I know people that would pay handsomely for a custom made Book Cases, but no one can be found to do reasonable work for a fair price. I feel it would be possible to establish oneself in a leather book covering business if you became proficient in this art!

No matter if you are selling your work or giving it as valuable gifts, leatherwork is like wine, it gets more valuable with age.
Book Details
New Softcover Book in Very Good Condition.
Original Copyright 1935/1946
Measures 8×5″ and contains 114 pages
Leathercraft for Amateurs, Eleonore E. Bang. A comprehensive
manual for the beginning leatherworker showing tooling, techniques and projects.
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Weight 0.5625 lbs
Dimensions 0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 in
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Leathercraft Leather Pattern Hide How To Tool Stamp Punch Belt Skive Knife Rivet
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