Ford 2000-7000 Service / Repair Shop Manual
1965 – 1975 Models
966 pages total
Complete Service/Repair/Overhaul
The manuals cover the following models:
Both Gas & Diesel where applicable.
The different versions of the 2000-7000 tractors include….
the All Purpose, L.C.G., Highway, Rice, Vinyard, Narrow,
Skidded, Utility, Industrial, Orchard, SU, Woods, Hi-Clearance and Rowcrop
2000 Series
3000 Series
4000 Series
5000 Series
7000 Series
3400 Industrial
3500 Industrial
4400 Industrial
4500 Industrial
5500 Industrial
These manuals have limited service info for the 3400 thru 5500 industrial models, only covering where they are similar to the agriculture tractors. Therefore they do not cover the Industrial manual or power reversing transmissions, Industrial clutches, Industrial steering and front axle, separating the 5500 & 5550 Industrial, and do not have service info for the Industrial backhoe & loader or Industrial hydraulics.
The Complete Two Volume Service Manual totals 940 pages and has the following major sections:
Codes and Serial Numbers
New Model Supplement
Ford 7000 Supplement
Engine Systems
Engines and Lubrication
Fuel Systems
Gas and Diesel
Electrical System
Four Speed Transmission
Six Speed Transmission
Seven / Eight Speed Transmission
Select-o-speed transmission
Power Take Off
Rear Axle and Brakes
Hydraulic Systems
Steering Systems
Front Axle
Wheels and Tires
Separating the Tractor
Accessories and General
Color charts where applicable
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